MCC – Case Study – The Importance of Addressing Recurrent Aircraft Defects

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MCC – Case Study – The Importance of Addressing Recurrent Aircraft Defects

October 13, 2021

Steven Bentley

Comment by Sofema Online (SOL) (Ref EASA – See Here) related to Maintenance Control Centre (MCC) Recurrent Defects Best Practices. Introduction Both accidents and high-risk occurrences have been linked to recurrent defects and technical faults in aircraft components and systems. These events were the result of repetitive defects that had not been properly resolved. Unresolved…

Introduction to the Role of an Aviation Maintenance Control Centre (MCC)

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October 06, 2021

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the primary activities which are performed within an Aviation MCC. Introduction The Maintenance Control Centre (MCC) is typically an extension of the Operators Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO). Aircraft out of service for whatever reason can financially burden an organisation. A business process which is able to manage and support…

Introduction to EASA Airworthiness Requirements

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Introduction to EASA Airworthiness Requirements

October 01, 2021

Steven Bentley

Introduction to EASA Airworthiness Requirements presented by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Introduction As we should now understand ICAO describes continuing airworthiness as follows: “All of the processes ensuring that, at any time in its life, an aeroplane complies with the technical conditions fixed to the issue of the Certificate of Airworthiness and is in…

European Council Regulation 2018/1139 Training Review is a brand new course at

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Regulation 2018/1139

September 21, 2021

Steven Bentley

SAS is delighted to announce that Sofema Online has launched a new online training regarding European Council Regulation 2018/1139: European Council Regulation 2018/1139 Training Review for CAMO Staff Start learning online What is the training about? On 11th September 2018 entered in force the new EASA Basic Regulation No 1139/2018 which repeals the existing Regulation…