Boeing 737-600/700/800/900 (CFM56)_T1/T2 – EASA PART 66- B1 & B2 Combined Theoretical course

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June 22, 2015

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is happy to announce the first Boeing 737-600/700/800/900 (CFM56)_T1/T2 – EASA PART 66 – B1 & B2 Combined Theoretical Course scheduled to be delivered from 26th July to 2nd September 2015. The training will be delivered at Jet Aviation Maintenance Facility, Dubai Airport Free Zone DAFZ, Dubai, UAE. The course fee per student…

Bogus Fan Blades offered for CFM 56 Engines

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June 15, 2015

Steven Bentley

CFM International has notified CFM56 customers, MRO providers, and regulators about several cases of parts brokers offering used CFM56 high-pressure turbine (HPT) blades with falsified records that misrepresent the parts’ service histories.CFM, a GE–Safran/Snecma joint venture, has seen at least eight sets of blades with fake records in recent months, alerts sent to its customers reveal. The most-recent alert went…