
Aviation Root Cause Analysis – Processes for Validation

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Sofema Aviation Services considers the best practices and challenges related to the validation of initial root cause analysis and assessments for mitigation effectiveness.

November 09, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the best practices and challenges related to the validation of initial root cause analysis and assessments for mitigation effectiveness. Introduction The RCA process typically involves a detailed investigation of the incident or accident, the identification of contributing factors, and the development of corrective actions to prevent the recurrence of similar…

EASA Aviation Instructor – Considering Communications, Understanding & Giving Feedback

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EASA - Aviation- Instructor - Considering Communications, Understanding

September 08, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers how to improve communication effectiveness for EASA aviation instructors and to benefit from effective feedback. Introduction An EASA Aviation Instructor needs to be an effective communicator It becomes the instructor’s responsibility to relay complex aviation information to students in a clear and comprehensible manner. This involves having the ability to…

Addressing Aviation Cyber Security Emergencies

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Aviation-Cyber- Security- Emergencies

August 31, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the elements required to ensure effective Management of Aviation Cyber Security Incidents and Emergencies Introduction Developing a comprehensive plan to ensure effective management of cyber incidents and emergencies is crucial for the security and resilience of an organization. Documented Process, Procedures and a Trained and Competent Standing Team to call…