Compliance Audit

Beyond Compliant Audit Programs

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February 02, 2015

Steven Bentley

When we consider the actual burden placed on the organisation to ensure compliance with all regulatory obligations we should also consider that when viewed in another way such compliance may also be viewed as “minimum compliance.” Means we can look a lot deeper into the organisations objectives and to set internal standards which then become…

Considering Audits in Aviation Compliance & Performance

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Auditing in Aviation

June 06, 2013


This blog raises discussion points  concerning Compliance and Performance Auditing in Aviation – understanding the difference between Aviation  Compliance Audits and Aviation Performance Audits. As we know certain areas of the business, (In aviation these are many)  can be described as high risk. For these area, among the many mitigation’s employed are audits which can…

Quality Auditing the Difference between Compliance and Performance in Aviation Auditing

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July 03, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services offers Quality Audit Training by an instructor with more than 20 years specific audit experience. During the 2 Day Aviation Quality Auditing Training course the delegate is provided with a thorough understanding of the Quality Audit basics and fundamentals including an understanding of the different roles of compliance and performance auditing in…