Corrosion Prevention

EASA Aircraft Maintenance Program – Review Check List of Applicable Items to Ensure Compliance – Aide Memoire

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Aircraft Maintenance

April 12, 2021

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) presents a consolidated checklist to support Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP) Compliance 1) Utilisation –  Check periods for anticipated utilisation; include a utilisation tolerance of not more than 25%. Where utilisation cannot be anticipated – Include calendar time limits. 2) Procedures for escalation where applicable & acceptable to the CA 3) Date…

MSG 3 Aircraft Inspection Considerations

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March 08, 2021

Steven Bentley

MSG 3 Aircraft Inspection Considerations – Introduction by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) What is MSG 3 MSG stands for Maintenance Steering Group (3 is the 3rd version of the process and has been around since 1980). It provides a process which is used for developing scheduled maintenance tasks and intervals, which will be acceptable to the…

How Does a 145 Organisation Manage a Corrosion Prevention & Control Program (CPCP)?

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Corrosion Prevention

March 08, 2021

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) has the answers regarding Corrosion Prevention. Introduction to Corrosion Prevention and Control Programs (CPCPs) In 1993 MSG-3 was amended to include assessment of damage to aircraft structures caused by corrosion. Since then, CPCPs have been incorporated into maintenance programs using MSG-3 guidance. With additional development during the early 1990s by…