EASA Part 66

EASA Part 147 TNA Considerations

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November 12, 2019


Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com takes a deep dive into the TNA Process. TNA Background & Purpose The role of the training needs analysis (TNA) is to assess the gap between the knowledge and skills which the trainee currently possesses (Generic within the group) against the knowledge and skills which they will require to perform safe…

Developing Additional Quality Control Processes to support an effective Part 147 Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

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Training Needs Analysis

October 24, 2019


A process review by Sofema Aviation Services (www.sassofia.com) This document focuses on the process of ensuring that we maintain effective Quality Control throughout the TNA process. Introduction The term Training Needs Analysis (TNA) refers to a process aiming to identify the training gap of a person or a group of persons, in order to determine…

EASA Part 66 – Module 9 – Human Factors Training for Foreign Part 145 Approval Holders

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August 01, 2019


Sofema Aviation Services (www.sassofia.com) is pleased to offer as part of our growing portfolio of EASA Compliant Operational & Vocational Training courses a new 3-day course: EASA Part 66 – Module 9 – Human Factors Training for Foreign Part 145 Approval Holders and Applicants for Components, Engines and APU Certifying Staff – 3 Days What…

Part 147 & Part 66 Workshop at SAS Academy

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January 08, 2019


Sofema Aviation Services Presents: EASA Part 147 & Part 66 Combined Regulatory Review and Recurrent Training Workshop – 3 Days Take an Early Bird Discount and Visit Sofia! Where & When is the Course? SAS Training Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria – March 4th – March 6th, 2019 Who is the Course for? It is for anyone with an…