Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS) – the misunderstood role and responsibility of European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

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April 27, 2015


About the author Steven Bentley is an avionics licensed aircraft engineer who obtained his initial qualification in February 1976. With more than 40 years’ experience in commercial aviation and a deep understanding of practical considerations involved in Commercial Aircraft Maintenance. Steven is MD of Sofema Aviation Services a Regulatory training and Consulting Organisation which was…

Beyond Compliant Audit Programs

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February 02, 2015


When we consider the actual burden placed on the organisation to ensure compliance with all regulatory obligations we should also consider that when viewed in another way such compliance may also be viewed as “minimum compliance.” Means we can look a lot deeper into the organisations objectives and to set internal standards which then become…

The challenges of Effective Aviation Compliance Auditing

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February 02, 2015


Whilst the future focus of Aviation organisations will typically by slanted towards the implementation of safety management systems, processes to demonstrate full compliance will always remain a fundamental attribute of an effective aviation management system. Compliance is ensured through the use of an effective Compliance Control and audit system, under the guidance of the Compliance…

Areas of Interest concerning Aircraft Import / Export in EU (EASA) Jurisdiction

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January 05, 2015


EASA has growing impact on the lease management of aircraft operating within the community, EASA Part M regulations directly addresses owners of leased aircraft, considering also the expanding responsibilities and scope of EASA, more regulations are becoming relevant to the needs of the leasing community as a group.   Many Countries around the world are…