Quality Auditing the Difference between Compliance and Performance in Aviation Auditing

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July 03, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services offers Quality Audit Training by an instructor with more than 20 years specific audit experience. During the 2 Day Aviation Quality Auditing Training course the delegate is provided with a thorough understanding of the Quality Audit basics and fundamentals including an understanding of the different roles of compliance and performance auditing in…

Quality Auditing the Difference between Compliance and Performance in Aviation Auditing

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July 01, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services offers Quality Audit Training by an instructor with more than 20 years specific audit experience. During the 2 Day Aviation Quality Auditing Training course the delegate is provided with a thorough understanding of the Quality Audit basics and fundamentals including an understanding of the different roles of compliance and performance auditing in…

Implementing Safety Management – SMS in Small to Medium Companies

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June 20, 2012


What Makes a Company Small to Medium ? What are the added challenges in implementing a Safety Management System in Small to medium Companies ? What does EASA Say ? An effective Safety Management System is an essential tool to raise the understanding that the organization faces in respect of the various risks affecting the…

Understanding Initiators in structural change – The EASA Regulatory environment and Part OPS.

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June 20, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services a leading EASA Regulatory training organization based in Sofia Bulgaria offer a suite of regulatory training courses, to cover the entire scope of EASA Part Ops . The overall goal of EASA was to simply the regulatory environment and to avoid Duplications. To support this separation EASA has developed a structure which…