Electrostatic Discharge

How Important are Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Procedures (ESDS) in our Aviation Maintenance System?

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February 19, 2020

Steven Bentley

SofemaOnline answers your questions. Introduction what are electrostatic-sensitive devices (ESD) An Electrostatic Component may be considered as any component (typically electrical) which can potentially be damaged by static charges. Charges can build upon people, tools, as well as other non-conducting or semi-conducting materials. Electrostatic Voltages if measured may be many thousands of volts and it is…

Considering the Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) Exposure in an Aircraft Maintenance Environment

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Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS)

July 31, 2018

Steven Bentley

 ESDS Damage Can Be Expensive!……How Expensive? So the short answer is very! Whilst it is difficult to quantify – (one of the challenges to raising awareness) it is believed and understood that a high proportion of Avionic Components failures are in some way connected to ESDS failure. For example consider when Avionic parts are removed…

Managing ESDS in an Aviation Environment

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May 14, 2012


Understanding the Nature of Electrostatic Discharge Overview by Steven Bentley MD Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com We sometimes feel static electricity which builds up as we walk for example across a nylon carpet at the moment we touch something which permits an electrostatic discharge. This may be a door knob or indeed another person. This voltage…

Managing ESDS in an Aviation Environment

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January 15, 2011

Steven Bentley

Understanding the Nature of Electrostatic Discharge Overview by Steven Bentley MD Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com We sometimes feel static electricity which builds up as we walk for example across a nylon carpet at the moment we touch something which permits an electrostatic discharge. This may be a door knob or indeed another person. This voltage…