Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge training

Static Electricity and the Potential for Accidents in an Aviation Maintenance Environment

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Static Electricity

March 04, 2021

Steven Bentley

Considerations presented by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com regarding Static Electricity. Example of an Adverse Outcome A faulty forklift battery was to be returned to the manufacturer. Per the manufacturer’s specifications, they put a plastic sheet over the battery and left it in the maintenance shop overnight. Early the next morning, it exploded. The blast…

How Important are Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Procedures (ESDS) in our Aviation Maintenance System?

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February 19, 2020

Steven Bentley

SofemaOnline answers your questions. Introduction what are electrostatic-sensitive devices (ESD) An Electrostatic Component may be considered as any component (typically electrical) which can potentially be damaged by static charges. Charges can build upon people, tools, as well as other non-conducting or semi-conducting materials. Electrostatic Voltages if measured may be many thousands of volts and it is…

What Is Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge and What does it mean for Aviation?

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What Is Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge and What does it mean for Aviation

October 14, 2013


To many people, static electricity is little more than the shock experienced when touching a metal doorknob after walking across a carpeted room or sliding across a car seat. The same spark that you sometimes feel and see when you touch something like a doorknob after walking across a carpet can zap a component in…