European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

EASA Management System Assessment Tool (MSAT) Considers the role of a safety culture within the context of the Safety Management System

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EASA -Management- System -Assessment -Tool (MSAT)

April 15, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers key elements of a Safety Culture as part of an EASA Management System Assessment Tool. Introduction The introduction of EASA’s aviation safety culture is an essential component of the broader effort to enhance aviation safety standards across Europe and globally. It represents a shift towards a more proactive and inclusive approach…

European Aviation Quality Assurance Considerations – Focusing on Regulatory Compliance

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Aviation Quality Assurance

April 02, 2024


Steve Bentley FRAeS, CEO of Sofema Aviation Services (, considers the European Aviation Quality Assurance Landscape in 2024 and beyond. Introduction The requirement for Independent Quality Assurance Oversight by Industry as a fundamental regulatory obligation is a unique aspect of European Aviation. The task of Organisational Quality Assurance (QA) in the European aviation industry, under…

Considering the Key Safety Management System Processes which should be included within the Management System Compliance Audit.

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Safety-Management System-Processes

November 20, 2023


A review carried out by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considering the Safety Management System Processes within the Management System Compliance Audit Introduction The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Part 145 pertains to the requirements for maintenance organizations. While Part 145 primarily focuses on maintenance standards and procedures, the integration of a Safety Management System…