Delivering effective EWIS Inspections (Aircraft Electrical Wiring Interconnect Systems)

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October 06, 2014


Following investigations in the aftermath of Flight TWA800 and Swissair 111 a detailed investigation was performed by the Ageing Transport System Rulemaking Advisory Committee ATSRAC into the effectiveness of the Inspection Process carried out during maintenance activities.   There was a number of shortcomings observed and finally this has translated into the need for specific…

Regulatory Training Delivered for Air Botswana in Gaborone

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July 05, 2014


Monday July 14th saw the completion of the first training delivered for Air Botswana by Sofema Aviation Services. The subject matter was Electrical Wiring Interconnect Systems (EWIS) for Groups 3 – 8. Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services commented: “This was our first visit to Gaborone and it was a pleasure to have the…

Do Organisational Quality Systems understand their role and responsibilities?

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May 16, 2014


Just as important do Organisational Quality systems understand the role of 147 training organisations. The is some concern in certain quarters regarding a shortfall in competence amongst senior aviation personal particularly persons who are nominated as post holders. Lets clear the air! 1/ The Accountable Manager is not required to be an expert. True –…

Aviation Train the Trainer – Developing your Training Skills

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April 10, 2014


This Blog looks at the Challenge of Training Adults in Aviation  –  In fact how we should deal with the specific needs of the Adult Audience. Adults do not learn in the same way that children learn, they have to perceive a need to know! The following looks at some of the specific challenges and…