Human Factor Training

Permanent Price Reduction of the SOL Special Initial Package for CAMO Mandatory Training Courses – Register online!

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CAMO Mandatory Training

June 21, 2022


We are pleased to share that a Permanent Reduction of the price has been made for the following Sofema Online Package: Special Initial Package for CAMO Mandatory Training Courses (HF, SMS, EWIS, FTS) Register for only 185 EUR Sofema Online is looking at opportunities to provide cost-effective pricing to our CAMO clients and is pleased…

Managing Pressure and Stress on the Ramp ā€“ Consider Cause and Effect

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Pressure and Stress

May 30, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS)Ā considers issues related to Pressure and Stress within the Aircraft Ramp Environment. Introduction ā€“ Pressure Can Cause Stress Note the comment ā€œCanā€ because it is not guaranteed it depends very much on the individual coping mechanisms. In fact, the degree of stress experienced depends on the functioning of two protective physiological…

Try our Online Platform for Free – Sign up for our Product Demonstration with Voiceover

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Try our Online Platform for Free ā€“ Sign up for our Product Demonstration by Enrolling for a Free Sample with Voiceover

April 06, 2022


Have you tried our online training platform Our Product Demonstration with Voiceover is waiting for you! We are pleased to share that Sofema OnlineĀ provides a sample of theĀ EASA Part CAMO Safety & Human Factor Training with VO Enroll without cost Sign up by yourself (no need for Sofema Admin Support) Enrollment is straightforward and…

Try Before you Fly – Enroll for a free sample with Voice Over ā€“ See why 17,000 People chose Sofema Online Last Year!

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Try Before you Fly ā€“ Sofema Online offers a Free Sample of the EASA Part CAMO Safety & Human Factor Training with VO

March 18, 2022


Do you know we have a Product Demonstration with Voice Over waiting for you? SAS is delighted to share that Sofema Online provides a sample of the EASA Part CAMO Safety & Human Factor Training with VO Enroll without cost Sign up by yourself (no need for Sofema Admin Support) Enrollment is straightforward and user…