Human Factors

Training for Aviation Maintenance Human Factor Trainers

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Human Factor

December 04, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to present a 4-Day Training Program which has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the Aviation Maintenance Human Factor Instructor. Your People Are Your Most Important Asset – Invest in them Now! The course is taking place at M Jets Facility Don Muang Airport, Bangkok and will run…

12-day training session in the area of EASA Part 145 was successfully completed at Denel Aeronautics, South Africa

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Part 145

November 20, 2019

Steven Bentley

Danil Danailov – Instructor of Sofema Aviation Services, carried out a 12-day training session to Denel Aeronautics, South Africa. Over 25 Denel Aeronautics professionals completed the session from October 28th to November 12th 2019. Which comprised the following 5 courses: EASA PART 145 Training for Certifying and Quality Staff – 2 Days Part 66 Module…

Every Picture Tells a Story

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August 16, 2019

Steven Bentley

Every Picture Tells a Story! Sure, but sometimes there is a story behind the story. Turns out the Captain had a very hairy landing (maybe wake turbulence from a departing aircraft) but in any event, he believed it was normal. Basically the Cowl of this huge 55,000 pounds thrust engine “kissed” the ground. Unfortunately, the…

Where is the Link Between Aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS), HF & MEMS

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January 09, 2019

Steven Bentley

The Focus of this blog is to consider the inter-relationship between Maintenance Error Management Systems (MEMS) – (typically using the Boeing Maintenance Error Decision Aid as a primary tool) and Safety Management through Human Factor Learning within the context of a viable Safety Management System. What is the Purpose of MEMS? The rationale behind a…