Human Factors

Developing Aviation Maintenance Human Factor Training Programs

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November 12, 2014

Steven Bentley

We should understand now that it is an essential requirement, to not only pay attention to Human Factors but to develop organizational behaviour which minimize exposure. With the current rate of Aircraft Accidents being caused in 80% of cases by Human Action the need for HF training has never been stronger. In fact the future…

Human Factors in Aviation the Implications of Errors and How to Avoid and Manage Errors

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November 12, 2014

Steven Bentley

To Err is to be Human, this is true in aviation as in any other activity, however aviation is maybe less forgiving and we should understand the outcomes can be catastrophic. In March 1977 a runway incursion in Tenerife became a disaster with the loss of 583 people. The various elements which were understood to…

Aircraft Maintenance Human Factors explored the benefits of Train The Trainer

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August 05, 2014


How knowledgeable are you concerning Maintenance Human Factors? The primary goal of this training is to focus your understanding on the need and process to develop and deliver “your” in company Human Factor training Program to maximum effect. This is not a Human Factors course it is a course for trainers who are going to…

Do Organisational Quality Systems understand their role and responsibilities?

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May 13, 2014


Just as important do Organisational Quality systems understand the role of 147 training organisations. The is some concern in certain quarters regarding a shortfall in competence amongst senior aviation personal particularly persons who are nominated as post holders. Lets clear the air!