Introduction to Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) and Minimum Equipment List (MEL) – 1 Day – Sofia, Bulgaria

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September 28, 2018


Sofema Aviation Services Presents: Introduction to Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) and Minimum Equipment List (MEL) – 1 Day – Sofia, Bulgaria   Where & When is the Course? SAS Training Academy, Sofia – Bulgaria- October 31st 2018 Who is the Course for? Flight Operations personnel, Training, Compliance and Safety management. Flight Crew. Postholders and…

EASA Integrated Air Legislation Course – Introduction – 2 Days – Sofia, Bulgaria

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September 26, 2018


Sofema Aviation Services Presents: EASA Integrated Air Legislation Course – Introduction – 2 Days – Sofia, Bulgaria   Where & When is the Course? SAS Training Academy, Sofia – Bulgaria- October 29th and October 30th 2018 Who is the Course for? Persons who are looking for an overview of the entire regulatory environment. Aircraft engineers,…

Introducing European Aviation Safety Agency Regulations. Regulations and More!

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August 07, 2017


We could ask the question why to have regulations, but off course the answer is obvious in that we need regulations to protect our industry, people and passengers. Plus it is essential to have a consistent way of controlling the way we do β€œwhat we do”. Where do the Regulations come from? Well, in fact…

Aviation Safety Culture Survey Case Study

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April 27, 2015


Sofema Aviation Services were invited to manage a Safety Culture Survey for a major airline employing several hundred staff. The project was accepted and the process was agreed and support by the HR department of the Airline. The rational of such a survey is to understand in as honest way what the perception of the…