Where to gather data in a Proactive Safety Management System

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July 27, 2011


How many different ways do you employ within your organisation to gather data to feed into your SMS system, this article explores the numerous ways you can obtain useful data. In fact 30 different ways are identified which you can incorporate or adapt to improve your SMS system. An effective ICAO compliant Safety Management System…

SMS Organisational Implementation

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July 11, 2011


An ICAO compliant (as opposed to the current EASA required) Safety Management System provides a mechanism to proactively seek, identify, quantify and mitigate risks and potential hazards which exist in the business. Moreover it provides for a mechanism to deliver a safer working process and environment in every facet of our day to day business….

Safety Management System SMS Implementation

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May 26, 2011


An ICAO compliant (as opposed to the current EASA required) Safety Management System provides a mechanism to proactively seek, identify, quantify and mitigate risks and potential hazards which exist in the business. Moreover it provides for a mechanism to deliver a safer working process and environment in every facet of your day to day business….

NPA 2010-10 proposal EASA Part T (Annex V to Reg EC 2042/2003)

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May 26, 2011


Subpart A General Subpart B Requirements Subpart C Maintenance Procedures Subpart E Qualified Maintenance Organizations Subpart F Management Systems Subpart G CAMO-T Part T concerns aircraft which are described in EASA Basic Regulation EC 216/2008 ref article 4 (1) (C) as – Aircraft which are registered in a third country and 1/ Used by a…