Maintenance Error Management System

Maintenance Error Decision Aid (MEDA) & Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS)

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January 10, 2019

Steven Bentley

Considering the role of Maintenance Error Decision Aid (MEDA) within the context of an effective Maintenance Error Management System Process An Effective MEMS system not only provides a mechanism for conducting thorough and consistent investigations, the outcome of which identifies both the root cause and contributing causes related to a specific maintenance event. Over the…

Where is the Link Between Aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS), HF & MEMS

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January 09, 2019

Steven Bentley

The Focus of this blog is to consider the inter-relationship between Maintenance Error Management Systems (MEMS) – (typically using the Boeing Maintenance Error Decision Aid as a primary tool) and Safety Management through Human Factor Learning within the context of a viable Safety Management System. What is the Purpose of MEMS? The rationale behind a…

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce a 3 day intensive Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) Training Dubai Sept 2014

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August 20, 2014

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services offers Training, Support and Guidance to help you understand, develop and implement an Effective Error Management Systems to deliver the safest possible organization process. With the forthcoming developments of  EASA Part 145 driven by NPA 2013-01 the developments of an Internal safety reporting scheme have been strengthened with the introduction of  as…

Introducing Maintenance Error Management Systems (MEMS)

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January 02, 2014


The forthcoming EASA regulatory requirement 145.A.62 ‘Internal Safety Reporting Scheme’ (NPA 2013-01) introduces a separate provision to strengthen the development and implementation of  a confidential internal safety reporting scheme as part of the Organization’s ‘safety information system’ to help the organisation foster its safety culture. A strong safety culture is an essential ingredient for effective…