Maintenance Errors

Considering the Potential for Errors in the Use of Aviation English in the Maintenance Environment

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Aviation English

October 29, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services looks at the potential for language barriers to result in aviation maintenance errors. Introduction Throughout the aviation world, there are many aircraft maintenance and other technical staff whose native language is not English and who speak English as a second third or even fourth language! It is an accepted fact that the language…

Introducing Maintenance Error Management Systems (MEMS)

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January 02, 2014


The forthcoming EASA regulatory requirement 145.A.62 ‘Internal Safety Reporting Scheme’ (NPA 2013-01) introduces a separate provision to strengthen the development and implementation of  a confidential internal safety reporting scheme as part of the Organization’s ‘safety information system’ to help the organisation foster its safety culture. A strong safety culture is an essential ingredient for effective…

Developments in Maintenance Error Management Systems (MEMS)

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January 02, 2014


During the last 20 years the Aviation Maintenance Industry has seen major developments in the understanding of the organization role as a precursor to incidents and accidents. As well as considerations regarding the role of the organization to accept responsibility to develop appropriate mitigation’s to deal with the challenges faced in dealing with Maintenance Errors….