
Aviation Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS)

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September 01, 2015


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) currently offers 3 Day intensive Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) Training. Consider that it is seldom the intention of professionals to deliberately make mistakes. Today some 80% of accidents and incidents are caused by simple human error. We should also understand that If human error was simply the result of careless…

Aircraft Maintenance Man Hour Planning Considerations

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Aircraft Maintenance Man Hour Planning Considerations

August 18, 2014


The starting point of course has to be to understand the work load, which is a combination of scheduled and unscheduled. The scheduled workload is a combination of work derived from the Aircraft Maintenance Program AMP and additional works, whether company generated or regulatory driven. The MPD is a dynamic document and subject for a…

Airline E&M: Central & Eastern Europe, 20-22 November 2012, Grand Hyatt, Istanbul, Turkey

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November 06, 2012


European Operators in general and Eastern European Operators in particular have been hard hit by the recession which is now about to enter its 5th year. IATA predicts a net loss approaching 1 billion euros across the European Industry. However these figures mask a reality where some operators and maintainers are doing a lot better…