BОS Aerospace Joins Sofema Aviation Services as a Privileged Training Partner

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Privileged Training Partner

April 25, 2024


We are delighted to welcome BOS Aerospace (BOSA) as the newest member of our Privileged Training Partner (PTP) program. About BOS Aerospace (BOSA): BOSA offers specialized Aircraft Maintenance and Component Maintenance services for the world’s leading commercial aircraft types, adhering to EASA part 145 standards. The company provides certified return-to-service under multiple authorities, including UK CAA,…

Join the world’s largest aviation regulatory training network with Sofema – Over 1,000 courses await you!

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aviation regulatory training

December 18, 2023


Discover our expansive library of over 700 aviation regulatory training courses at Sofema Aviation Services (SAS), tailored to meet the diverse needs of aviation professionals. That’s not all! Sofema Online (SOL) offers an additional 300+ courses, packages, and diplomas, meticulously designed for online learning. Experience the convenience and flexibility of top-notch training at your fingertips,…

Welcome to AMETEK MRO, Jet Flight Service and Euro-Asia Air to our Privileged Training Partner Program

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Training Partner Program

May 30, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is delighted to welcome the following new members to our Privileged Training Partner Program (PTP): AMETEK MRO Jet Flight Service Euro-Asia Air They joined more than 100 aviation companies worldwide who have chosen to partner with us for their staff training needs, benefitting from our wide range of regulatory and vocational…

Privileged Training Partner (PTP) program: A warm welcome to our 3 new members!

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Privileged Training Partner

April 24, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is delighted to welcome the following new members to our Privileged Training Partner (PTP) program: Thai Aviation Industries AviScout Air Albania They have joined more than 100 aviation companies from around the world who trust us in training their staff with regulatory & vocational classroom, webinar, and online courses, while enjoying…