Part 145 Regulation

OTAR Considerations Related to Maintenance Records – Reference Overseas Territory Aviation Requirements OTAC 145-5 & OTAR Part 145.117

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May 20, 2019


RelatedĀ considerationsĀ concerning Continuing Airworthiness Records Part 39 Continued Airworthiness Requirements – Subpart D – Aircraft Records The following references are applicable to CAW records 39.73 Maintenance and continued airworthiness records 39.75 Retention of records CAW records retention for maintenance records (2) for all detailed maintenance records in respect of the aircraft and any service life-limited component…

FAA Regulatory Introduction & Overview

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February 25, 2019


Introduction to Certification what purpose does each ā€œpartā€ serve? An Overview by Sofema Aviation Services looks at challenges related to Competence Oversight   Concerning CFR CFR stands for Code of Federal Regulations and all the following parts are found with the area ā€œ14 CFRā€ Part 21 is certification procedures for products and parts. Part…

Forthcoming Training in Cairo ā€“ EASA Part 145 Essentials ā€“ 1 Day

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October 24, 2017


Sofema Aviation Services Presents EASA Part 145 Essentials ā€“ 1 Day Course offered by Where & When is the Course? Cairo, Egypt ā€“ November 26th 2017 Who is the Course for? It is for anyone with an interest to get deeper into EASA Part 145 from newcomers to Post Holders. Basically the course will…