
How do you source your EASA Compliant Recurrent Regulatory Training?

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September 25, 2015

Steven Bentley

Do you provide your own in house training for Human Factors (HF), Fuel Tank Safety (FTS), Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS)? Sofema Aviation Services believes that the most effective training is delivered “in-house” and related to the specific needs of the organisation. How SAS can help! Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) has built up a strong reputation… – Human Factors Recurrent with Voice Over

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August 21, 2015

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce the launch of online Human Factors Training with voice over through our training platform Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance (Recurrent) with VO The aim of the course is to provide delegates with a recurrent review of HF issues in the work place. The course is intended to satisfy…