Risk Register

Considering The Role of the Risk Register in an EASA Aviation Safety Management System

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Risk - Register-in an-EASA- Aviation-Safety Management- System

October 23, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com looks at the Risk Register Process which should sit at the Heart of the Organizations SMS Introduction – EASA Risk-Based Oversight & the role of the risk register Aviation safety management system (SMS) risk registers are used to identify and manage potential hazards and risks associated with aviation operations. The risk…

Which are the challenges of activating SMS within an EASA Part 145 environment? Fill out our survey

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January 17, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) has prepared a survey to understand the key challenges of implementing an SMS within the Part 145 environment We would like to kindly ask you to take a few minutes to share your specific challenges related to SMS with us. It would help us greatly in improving our services. All results…

30 Data Sources for Building Your Aviation Hazard Log/Risk Register

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Hazard Log/Risk Register

September 20, 2022

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com considers the various sources of data that can be used to populate your organisation’s Hazard Log/Risk Register. An effective EASA-compliant Safety Management System relies on the accumulation and management of data as a primary source of information that can be analyzed and assessed. The challenge for many organisations is to consider…

Building an EASA Compliant Operations Control and Flight Dispatch Risk Register as Part of our Safety Management System (SMS)

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Operations Control and Flight Dispatch

May 23, 2022

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com considers the importance of managing the risks in a systematic and controlled way using a Flight Dispatch Operations Control and Flight Dispatch Risk Register as the Fundamental Tool. Hazard identification is the foundation of the risk management process in an SMS and may be conducted reactively, proactively, and even predictably….