Safety Audits

30 Data Sources for Building Your Aviation Hazard Log/Risk Register

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Hazard Log/Risk Register

September 20, 2022

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the various sources of data that can be used to populate your organisation’s Hazard Log/Risk Register. An effective EASA-compliant Safety Management System relies on the accumulation and management of data as a primary source of information that can be analyzed and assessed. The challenge for many organisations is to consider…

Aviation Quality Auditing – Understanding the Relationship between SMS and HF

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Aviation Quality Auditing

January 06, 2014


Firstly to understand that Aviation Quality Auditing is focused on Compliance and the SMS is focused on Risk. Maintenance Human Factors concerns all the various issues which may have an impact on how people perform required tasks. Now to consider that each area is connected, means they are not independent from each other and that…