
Is Aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) Auditing related to Compliance?

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July 30, 2018


Essentially the focus of SMS is not in fact compliance it is on Managing Risk and the Purpose of an SMS Audit is to consider Risk Safety management goes far beyond traditional compliance led approaches to auditing. The SMS approach was developed following the identification of shortfalls in the actual process of auditing – you…

Is Weak Regulatory Oversight Spoiling Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) Effectiveness?

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June 06, 2016


Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services offers the following viewpoint for consideration. A strong statement but is it fair? We all accept that SMS is a performance based rather than compliance based system – the problem is that the regulator does not ask the “right” questions. Simply you cannot audit a performance system with…

Are you training your Aircraft Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS) Inspectors ?

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May 17, 2016


Sofema Aviation Services provides EWIS Training for Trainers Regulatory Exposure driven by lack of Awareness EASA Part 66 engineers are not automatically trained on the contents of CS25 (Note it is a 1000 page document) Consider the picture and the failure to identify potential exposure during routine aircraft inspection with devastating consequences. CS 25.1707 System…

Regulatory Introduction to Aviation Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

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March 21, 2016


Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe and healthy work environment. OSH may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and many others who might…