SAS blogs

EASA Compliance Auditing Considerations related to – Maintaining Objectivity – Sample Size / Value of Finding Raised / Operator’s Authority on Area of Audit

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September 02, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) takes a deep dive into the process to obtain a return on the investment of the auditors’ time (ROI) during the performance of Aviation Compliance Audits. Introduction To deliver effective EASA compliance audits it is necessary to pay attention to a number of key areas which are identified below for…

EASA Compliance Auditing Considering How to Communicate a Finding to the Auditee

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September 01, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) – considers best practices related to effective audit communication between the auditor & auditee. Introduction An EASA approved Aviation Quality Assurance System is typically headed up by the Compliance Manager (CM) also known as the Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) or (QM). The entire Quality Assurance System is a documented process through…

EASA / UAE GCAA Compliance Quality Audit Considerations, How to Classify Findings Level 1, 2 & 3

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Classify Findings

August 31, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the process to classify findings during an audit. Introduction – Considering the difference between the different levels In just a few words let’s first consider From the Regulatory Point of View: Level 1 needs to be addressed immediately. (There needs to be a reason – typically related to Safety)…

De-icing / Anti-icing Codes and Communication Procedures

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De-icing / Anti-icing

August 30, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Presents considerations related to best practice communication procedures during Ground De-icing / Anti-icing Operations. Introduction – What can happen when it all goes wrong! Case Study – Collision with vehicle Royal Air Maroc Boeing 747-400 CN-RGA Montreal (Mirabel) International Airport, Quebec 21 January 1995 Synopsis The Royal Air Maroc…