SAS blogs

Considerations Related to EASA Part 145.A.48 Performance of Maintenance

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October 23, 2020


Independent Inspection Following Critical Maintenance Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) looks at the Independent Inspection Process. Introduction EASA Has Introduced new procedures & requirements –related to Independent Inspections following a Maintenance Activity. Questions: What is a Critical Maintenance Task ? Who is responsible for the clearing of the task ? a) The primary inspector – (Task Sign…

Maintenance Error & Human Factors training in aviation

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Maintenance Error

September 08, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services considers Maintenance Error & aviation Human Factors training in aviation supporting the Implementation of a Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) within an EASA Part 145 Organisation Maintenance errors & Human Factors training in aviation – Introduction Maintenance errors cost millions of Euros each year in rework, late performance, and lost revenue, additionally,…

Emergency Response Planning with an EASA Part CAMO Organisation

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Emergency Response Planning

August 21, 2020


Review for the Emergency Response Planning by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Introduction Continuous improvement of the systems and procedures contained within the emergency response plan may, amongst others, be obtained by: (a) Conducting a review of the relevant parts of the emergency response plan after a full or partial exercise; (b) debriefing and analysing the emergency…

Composite Damage Inspection and Tolerances

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Composite Damage

July 23, 2020


Considerations by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) The use of composite construction is rapidly increasing in current and future airframes and structures. Composite and in particular sandwich structures provide an efficient method to increase bending rigidity without a significant increase in structural weight. The damage tolerance evaluation of structure is intended to ensure, that should fatigue, intrinsic/discrete damage,…