SAS blogs

Aircraft Consumable Material Certification Considerations

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Aircraft Consumable Material

November 30, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) looks at the process for managing Aircraft Consumable Material. Introduction Materials that are intended to be installed in type-certificated aircraft, engines, or propellers may not be produced unless they are produced according to FAA (or EASA) regulations; The typical method for approving original aviation materials is through the type and production…

Considering The Regulatory Drivers Related to an EASA Training Needs Analysis

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Training Needs Analysis

November 29, 2022


Training Needs Analysis (TNA) – Considerations by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Reference point 3.1(d) of Appendix III to Part-66 ‘Aircraft Type Training (ED Decision 2016/011/R) Training Needs Analysis for the Theoretical Element of the Aircraft Type Training: The minimum duration for the theoretical element of the type rating training course, as described in Appendix…

Considering EASA Recommendations Related to Aviation Risk-Based Oversight

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Aviation Risk-Based Oversight

November 29, 2022


Aviation Risk-Based Oversight – Commented by Steve Bentley CEO of Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Recommendation 1: The oversight planning and determination of the oversight cycle for each organisation should take into consideration the risk profile and the assessment of the safety performance. When the risk profile relies on expert judgment, the decision-making should be…

Introduction to the Concept of FRMS within an EASA Part 145 Organisation

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November 29, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) looks at the process driving an FRMS – Fatigue Risk Management System. Introduction – ICAO Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) Definition ICAO provides the following definition of FRMS: A data-driven means of continuously monitoring and managing fatigue-related safety risks, based upon scientific principles and knowledge as well as operational experience that…