SAS blogs

Aviation Safety Operational Errors and Consequences

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Operational Errors

November 22, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the Aviation Safety Operational Errors and Consequences. Introduction It is understood that human error is often identified as a contributing factor when considering the events leading to incidents and accidents. Note – Human Factors should not be identified as a Root Cause (Why?) Safety officers typically identify both human errors…

Considerations Related to the Development of Safety Performance Indicators within an EASA Part 145 Organisation

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Safety Performance Indicators

November 21, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the role and purpose of Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) – Safety Performance Indicators (SPI). Introduction – Maintenance Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Typically measures how well your operation is doing at achieving its maintenance goals, for example reducing downtime or costs. KPIs can be used as a benchmark to…

Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) Safety Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment

November 04, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the process to deliver an effective Safety Management Risk Assessment. Introduction Safety risk assessment can be performed on steady-state operations to provide assurance that the risks associated with day-to-day operations remain tolerably safe. It can also be performed on proposed changes to a system or operation to ensure that the risks…

Considerations related to the Continuing Development of an Aviation Safety Management System

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Considerations related to the Continuing Development of an Aviation Safety Management System

November 04, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) looks at the key features of an active Safety Management System Introduction. Introduction – Ensuring the Continued Validity of the Safety Management System Employ Safety teams throughout the business to identify and support the resolution of safety exposures across an organization using Causal Factor Checklists and other available organisation tools….