Social Media

Aviation Crisis Communication in the age of Social Media ā€“ Times have changed ā€“ Have you?

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Crisis Communication

February 13, 2023


Steve Bentley FRAeS CEO of Sofema Aviation Services considers the communication challenges in a ā€œpost-enlightened ageā€. Introduction ā€“ The Good Old Days! Best Practice in crisis communication used to acknowledge what was referred to as theĀ  ā€œGolden Hourā€ Essentially a period (albeit notional) during which the airline crisis management team would have time to activate,…

Aviation Emergency Response Plan (ERP) ā€“ How to Deal with Social Media and the Press

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December 16, 2020


The Role of Social Media to Communicate as Part of an ERP Using Social Media during an Aviation Accident Incident Event Emergency Response Plan & Social Media How to handle crisis communication on social media Sofema Aviation Services (SAS)Ā considers ERP Best Practice in the age of social media. Introduction Aviation accidents because of their…