
NEW! Engine Condition Trend Monitoring Online training available at

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September 13, 2018


SofemaOnline is pleased to announce the online availability of Engine Condition Trend Monitoring Training! ECM is the continuous monitoring of key engine parameter to detect impending failures and assess engine performance. ECM uses standard engine and aircraft instrumentation for monitoring. During normal operation all engines will experience rubbing, thermal stress, mechanical stress, dirt accumulation, foreign…

SofemaOnline is pleased to announce the New UAE GCAA CAR M Recurrent online training

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August 16, 2018


SofemaOnline  is pleased to announce the online availability of UAE GCAA CAR M Recurrent Training! The Aims of the course are to provide delegates with a recurrent overview of all parts of GCAA CAR M, to provide an updated understanding of the role of GCAA CAR M and all its subparts and to understand how…

Aviation Safety Management Systems – Making the Difference

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August 14, 2018


SAS with Presenting a New Online Training Safety Management Systems Risk Monitoring and Safety Performance Overview and Recurrent Be Proactive & Embrace your SMS Opportunities Aviation SMS – Improve your Understanding and Engagement now with our online training course Get to grips with Hazards and Risk now – Understand in Clear & Simple Terms…

SofemaOnline offers EASA Training Considerations related to the Part M – Continuing Airworthiness Environment

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July 25, 2018


SofemaOnline provides online regulatory training courses to support the development of your Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) The following information supports consideration of which training is appropriate for a CAMO engaged with Large Aircraft (Aircraft above 5700 KGS) All the following courses are available via the online training platform Consider the benefits of enrolling…