Train The Trainer

Human Factors in Aviation the Implications of Errors and How to Avoid and Manage Errors

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November 12, 2014

Steven Bentley

To Err is to be Human, this is true in aviation as in any other activity, however aviation is maybe less forgiving and we should understand the outcomes can be catastrophic. In March 1977 a runway incursion in Tenerife became a disaster with the loss of 583 people. The various elements which were understood to…

Dealing with the challenge of Feedback in the Aviation Regulatory Training Environment

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September 23, 2014

Steven Bentley

Delivering Aviation Regulatory and Vocational training to the highest standard requires a continuous evaluation of the training process. Presented by Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services   What do we actually mean by feedback?  –  let’s consider for a moment We want to know how well we have done in communicating with our audience. Communication however…

Aviation Train the Trainer – Developing your Training Skills

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April 10, 2014

Steven Bentley

This Blog looks at the Challenge of Training Adults in Aviation  –  In fact how we should deal with the specific needs of the Adult Audience. Adults do not learn in the same way that children learn, they have to perceive a need to know! The following looks at some of the specific challenges and…

Aviation Safety Management System Training for Trainers

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January 08, 2014


Significant changes have taken place over the last 25 years in many areas of aviation and not only in the technical quality of the product. It has taken the Aviation Industry decades to understand fully the role of the organization in aviation accidents and incidents. This understanding has led to the current environment in which…