Unapproved Aircraft Parts

The Imperative of Competence Training in Aviation Logistics and Inspection

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Aviation Logistics and Inspection

October 13, 2023

Steven Bentley

The recent revelations about fraudulent parts and documentation underscore the critical importance of competence and rigorous training in Aviation Logistics and Inspection. The responsibility for detecting unapproved and bogus aircraft parts lies on Maintenance companies and Airlines that repair airplanes. Therefore, in order to meet the growing challenges and increasing complexities, investing in comprehensive training…

FAA ā€“ EASA – Preventing Suspect Unapproved Parts (SUPs) Entering the System

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Suspect Unapproved Parts

March 31, 2020

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services considers the best practice to minimize our exposure to SUPs. Introduction The solution to the problem of Suspect Unapproved Parts (SUP) is for everyone in the supply chain to work together to both detect and ensure the removal of SUPs from our industry. Please Ask Yourself These Questions: How do you know…

EASA Suspected Unapproved Parts Introduction

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Suspected Unapproved Parts

March 30, 2020

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services considers the role of EASA to deliver an integrated oversight related to Suspected Unapproved Parts. Introduction EASA came later to the Suspect Parts Issue essentially leaving it to the individual responsibility of the relevant National Airworthiness Authority (NAA) EASAā€™s Suspected Unapproved parts website was established in August 2017 to raise awareness of…

What Are Unapproved Aircraft Parts?

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Unapproved Aircraft Parts

March 27, 2020

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation ServicesĀ www.sassofia.comĀ considers terminology related to FAA Unapproved Parts. Introduction: What are Unapproved Aircraft Parts? Note:Ā Unapproved Aircraft Parts are not acceptable either within the FAA or EASA system ā€“ No part which is found to be not acceptable for fitment under FAA conditions will ever be acceptable to fit EASA Registered Aircraft. A part that…