February 27, 2017


When we consider Human factors in the context of adult learning it is apparent and widely accepted that training which has a direct and specific connection to the environment experienced by the “student.”

Therefore we should encourage the accumulation of relevant “HF” relevant data which can form the basis of training content which can be used in support of HF training.

Who “owns” the HF training program and does this person have the resources to develop the HF program in an organisationally beneficial way.

Let’s consider where we can look for HF DATA within the Organisation.

a) From the Quality Department

A review of quality audit findings with a specific emphasis related to HF exposures.

Many audits will identify non-conformances with regulatory requirements which will probably not really provide a source of data for our HF training – however there are still a number of audits which will actually identify non-conformance with organisation process and procedures. Such findings can often identify HF related exposures.

The objective is to identify any issues which can be fed into HF training to identify the role of Human Error as a precursor to the event.

b) From the Safety Department

Providing there is a strong SMS in place within the organisation then a review of SMS DATA should provide a rich seam of HF issues which can be incorporated into the training program. Again such issues will typically be related to non –compliance with organisational process and procedures – other issues related to competence can lead to HF exposures.

In essence if there are “no rules” or “poor rules” there is a tendency for people to compensate and the potential gaps create exposure.

The challenge we face is to encourage people to “report” or feed into the SMS system.

A review of the Iceberg of ignorance will show how difficult it is to move information related to exposures vertically within the organisation. The reality is that unless we can do this it will not be possible to use the information (or Data) to modify the HF training.

c) During HF Training

Whenever we have a group of delegates together for a HF training we have an opportunity for open dialogue. If we are able to encourage free communication we will be able to identify issues which can be fed back into the Quality and Safety Systems as well as form the basis for modification to the existing.

Sofema Aviation Services provides training for HF trainers – for details please see www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com

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