September 11, 2017


EASA Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 (Airports) – Aerodrome Manual

The aerodrome manual contains all relevant and required documents for safe operation on the airside. The aerodrome manual must be updated and amended after the initial certification according an internal procedure of the aerodrome operator. The latest version of the aerodrome manual must be available on the aerodrome and a copy provided to the competent authority.

Manual Structure

The structure of the manual shall be according ADR.OR.E.005.

All in cooperated procedures, methods, checklists or instructions must be complete and have at least following characteristics:

a) Clear and traceable name
b) Controlled according to the version and date
c) Define responsibility (owner)
d) Amendment history

Procedures, methods, checklists or other instructions shall be created for a specific aerodrome and also according to the operational size of the aerodrome.

Within these documents duties, responsibilities and coordination issues (“Who does, what, how and if needed in coordination with whom”) must be clearly defined.

Additional, these documents must be written basically in English (additional languages possible) and must kept as clear and simple as possible, that everybody – who has to work with – can read and understand these documents easily.

Changes requiring prior approval

Regarding following items, amended procedures, methods, checklists or instructions changes require an approval from the Competent Authority before implementation:

a) Low-visibility operations and procedures
b) Safety Management and Change procedures
c) Any changes significantly affecting the organisation chart, policies or culture of the aerodrome operator’s management system
d) Changes to the published firefighting category of the aerodrome
e) Changes to any obstacles, developments and other activities within the areas monitored by the aerodrome operator in accordance with ADR.OPS.B.075, which may endanger safety and adversely affect the operation of an aerodrome.
f) Changes to the process by which changes not requiring prior approval are managed.

Aerodrome Operator should be aware that significant maintenance projects may result in a secondary effect on the Certification Basis e.g. installation of new airfield ground lighting as part of a runway/taxiway rehabilitation project and may, therefore require prior approval. CA shall be consulted in advance.

Changes not requiring prior approval

The aerodrome operator shall develop a procedure that describes the process by which changes not requiring prior approval are managed.

The procedure must be approved by CA prior to their use. This procedure is part of the aerodrome manual and shall describe the process for notifying CA of all changes not requiring prior approval.

The timescale for frequency of notification is to be agreed by CA.

The aerodrome operator should be cognisant of ADR.AR.C.040 (f) when notifying CA of any changes.

If the Aerodrome Operator is uncertain that a proposed change meets the intent of the procedure or the rules they should ensure that CA is aware of the proposed change prior to implementation.

5. Regulation (EU) 139/2014 – Notes Concerning ICAO Annex 14

Primarily the aerodrome certification and the aerodrome manual must be according regulation (EU) 139/2014. However, each country typically also signed the Chicago Convention and therefor, the applicable contents of the relevant Annexe of ICAO shall also apply.
The differences between the contents of the regulation (EU) 139/2014 and Annex 14 are not significant.

Within Annex 14 Chapter 1 point1.4 it is stated:

“…When an aerodrome is granted a certificate, it signifies to aircraft operators and other organizations operating on the aerodrome that, at the time of certification, the aerodrome meets the specifications regarding the facility and its operation, and that it has, according to the certifying authority, the capability to maintain these specifications for the period of validity of the certificate. The certification process also establishes the baseline for continued monitoring of compliance with the specifications…”

Following obligations are relevant during certification:

– Aerodrome manual, ICAO 14, Chapter 1, point. 1.4.4;

– Management-System including Safety Management: ICAO 14, Chapter 1, point. 1.4.4, Safety Management Manual ( Doc. 9859);

– Monitoring-, Action- and Information responsibility regarding conditions of movement areas and adjacent facility, ICAO 14 Chapter 2 point. 2.91 f.;

– Dealing with obstacles, ICAO 14, Chapter 4 and 6, Appendix 6;

– Rescue and firefighting: ICAO 14, Chapter 2, point. 2.11 and Chapter 9 point. 9.2, Airport Services Manual Part 1: Rescue and Fire Fighting (Doc. 9137);

– Emergency planning, ICAO 14, Chapter 9, point 9.1, Airport Services Manual Part 7: Airport Emergency Planning (Doc. 9137);

– Wildlife hazard management, ICAO 14 Chapter 9 point. 9.4 and 9.10.1; Airport Services Manual Part 3: Wildlife Control and Reduction (Doc. 9137);

– Management and control on movement areas, ICAO 14, Chapter 9 point 9.8, Manual of Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (Doc. 9476);

– Fencing, ICAO 14, Chapter 9, point 9.10.2;

– Maintenance management, ICAO 14, Chapter 10, point. 10.1; Airport Services Manual, Part 9: Airport Maintenance Practices (Doc. 9137);

– Snow, slush and ice removal on movement areas, ICAO 14 Chapter 10, point 10.3.; Airport Services Manual, Part 2: Pavement Surface Conditions and Part 9. Airport Maintenance Practices (Doc. 9137);

– Fuelling, Manual on Civil Aviation Jet Fuel Supply, Chapter 2, point. 2.2.2.b (Doc. 9977).

Further Information

Sofema Aviation Services offers regulatory and vocational training in a number of relevant areas including Airport Regulation, Safety Management System (SMS) and Quality Management System (QMS)

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