June 21, 2018


More than 2000 People have enrolled during 2018 for SofemaOnline Regulatory and Vocational Training Courses

Currently offering more than 120 courses

SofemaOnline is pleased to announce the availability of the newest course:

Fatigue Risk Management Systems Essentials



ICAO defines Fatigue as “A physiological state of reduced mental or physical performance capability resulting from sleep loss or extended wakefulness and/or physical activity that can impair a crew member’s alertness and ability to safely operate an aircraft or perform safety related duties.”

Moreover ICAO identifies Fatigue Risk Management (FRM) as: “A data-driven means of continuously monitoring and managing fatigue-related safety risks, based upon scientific principles and knowledge that ensures relevant personnel are performing at adequate levels of alertness.”

The potential for Fatigue is without doubt a hazard and can be considered as a significant exposure to human factors hazard because it has the potential to negatively affect the entire spectrum of duties and activities performed by an individual.

Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) is a mandatory obligation placed on the organisation and may be managed as an integrated part of the Aviation Safety Management System SMS.

What should our Fatigue Management efforts be?

The Fatigue Management efforts should be focused through the employment of a practical and effective system, which is able to identify our risks and exposures and to predicts, measures and mitigates fatigue and distraction risks.

To implement our Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) we need to communicate and educate all levels of our organization regarding the causes of fatigue, how fatigue risk impacts operations and the methods and technologies available to mitigate risk:

Step 1 to assess your organization’s current fatigue risk envelope.

Step 2 Assess existing FRM systems, policies, and procedures that currently mitigate fatigue risk and integrate them in to our existing SMS Framework.

Step 3 Build a FRMS that includes comprehensive documentation training and process controls including detailed understanding of roles and responsibilities, communication and Fatigue Risk recognition strategies.

Step 4 Establish a continuous process to measure the effectiveness and the operational impact of our FRMS in order to track and maintain the positive impact on workforce health, safety and operational costs.

The course is focused on the process to determine the specific needs of the organisation, to perform a current status gap analysis and builds on the need for a total understanding of the steps required to fully implement and manage an FRMS within your organisation.

Content of the course:

Terminology & Abbreviations
FRMS – How to Assess your Organisations Status
Introduction to the Concept of Fatigue Risk Management Systems
Regulatory Drivers for FRMS
Considering the Challenge of Developing an Open & Effective Reporting Culture
Considering the Steps to Implement an Effective FRMS within your Organisation
Integrating FRMS within an SMS
FRMS Systematic Management
FRMS Documentation
FRMS Training

See detailed content here

About this course

Course type: Presentation without voice over
Approximate duration: up to 7 hours training
Category: SMS & Quality
Price: 77.50 USD

Enroll Now

For more information please visit www.sofemaonline.com or email online@sassofia.com

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