December 15, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS)Ā www.sassofia.comĀ considers the challenge of managing competence to ensure the effective delivery of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP).


During emergency operations what we usually consider as our normal lines of authority and channels of communication cannot always be relied upon to function correctly. It is during such times we should be able to turn to our Emergency Response Plan to help and guide us through a difficult situation.

To remain strong an ERP should be practised twice each year once as a ā€œtabletopā€ exercise and once as fully active scenarios based multi-stakeholder event, to ensure that the ERP remains fully effective. In addition, contact lists should be checked and updated either continuously or at least every 3 months.

Note ā€“ For best practice, the ERP should be fully debriefed and revised as appropriate following each exercise.

Emergency Response Plan Considerations

We will at a certain point in an organisations development unfortunately experience ā€œemergencies.ā€ Ā On the plus side and noting that whilst such events are typically not at the highest level even such ā€œlower-levelā€ events need to be managed in a correct and professional way.

Any emergency situation has the potential to be highly stressful as well as time-sensitive, so it is important that our team is able to respond effectively and professionally. This will only happen when we are prepared.

To ensure we are prepared we must ensure that any staff who are required to engage with the ERP are suitably trained, in addition, they should be highly knowledgeable in respect of their Individual responsibilities related to an emergency.

With an integrated and fully tested emergency response plan we will be in the best position to both mitigate stress and to preclude or at least reduce the possibility of incorrect decisions being made.

Managing Competence in our Aviation ERP

We should strive to ensure that everyone who is required to be assigned to support key roles within the emergency plan is familiar with their roles and responsibilities, are familiar with the Emergency Response Process and are provided with detailed checklists.

Once we move into an emergency situation it will be too late to start the ā€œlearning processā€ and not really appropriate for staff to start reading the ERP. (staff will not have time to review their roles or to decide in which order steps need to be taken)

Note – During training exercises, checklists should be used to ensure full familiarity with all elements and aspects of the process.

How to Measure Competence?

Competence should be measured against:

  • General Knowledge of the Business Process
  • Knowledge of the Emergency Response Plan
  • Specific Knowledge of the Individual Roles and Responsibilities

Considering Individual Responsibilities (Example only ā€“ To develop as appropriate for your organisation)

Chief Executive Officer

  • No specific role within the crises centre
  • To remain fully briefed and able to liaise with external organisations as required
  • May issue public statements
  • May speak with the media
  • Should speak to the families at the Family Support and Reception Centre

Emergency Response Director

  • Brief personnel in Airline Crises Centre
  • Promulgate Initial Information message to be sent to all Stakeholders
  • Ensure all essential contact details for call centre telephone numbers and email addresses are advised at this time
  • Ensure that all required departments are represented in the Crises Centre
  • Obtain a full status report from Emergency Manager and/or Emergency Coordinator
  • Verify the current assessment and review all available information concerning the accident/incident
  • Ensure that all key personnel have been contacted in accordance with the initial contact checklist
  • Oversee and coordinate activities in the Airline Crises Centre
  • Oversee and coordinate activities in the Airline Family Assistance Centre
  • Oversee ā€œGo Teamā€ Initiation

Emergency Response Planning Manager

  • Activate Airline Crises Centre
  • Ensure that Administrative and logistic support is available for the Crises Centre
  • Activate the Family Assistance Centre
  • Activate Call Centre
  • Ensure manpower requirements are met for the duration of the emergency for the Crises Centre, Family Assistance Centre and Telephone Enquiry Centres

Flight Operations Manager

  • To Represent Operations department in the Crises Centre
  • Obtain details of operating crew for affected flight including family contacts from personnel records
  • Arrange Crew Support Special Assistance Volunteers for families of affected Flight Crew
  • Make necessary arrangements for any relief flights
  • Provide Flight Crew for relief flight
  • Activate the Accident Investigation Go Team
  • Arrange roster for representative for Flight Operations in the Crises Centre

Technical Manager

  • Obtain copies of the Maintenance records for the affected aircraft
  • Ensure that the original records are secured
  • Activate Technical Go Team
  • Activate Aircraft Recovery Go Team
  • Ensure that the necessary recovery equipment is available
  • Activate Technical members of the Accident Investigation Go Team
  • Ensure aircraft Technical Availability for relief flight
  • Arrange roster for representative for Technical in the Crises Centre

Commercial Manager

  • Represent Commercial in the Crises Centre
  • Ensure that all Regional / Area / District Sales Managers are fully briefed
  • Maintain full contact with Emergency Response Planning Manager
  • Ensure that the affected flight is blocked in Reservation System
  • Ensure that advertising/publicity are cancelled where appropriate
  • Authorise use of Dark Website
  • Ensure approved information from Communications/Public Relations is available to all Airline public offices
  • Ensure availability of Commercial representative in the Crises Centre

Human Resource Manager

  • Represent Human Resources in the Crises Centre
  • Obtain Personnel Records as required for operating Flight & Cabin Crew
  • Ensure Flight reservations are made for all Special Assistance Volunteers & Go teams
  • Arrange roster for representative for Human resources / Personnel in the Crises Centre

Cabin Crew Manager

  • Provide Representation in the Crises Centre
  • Obtain details of operating crew for affected flight including family contacts from personnel records
  • Arrange Crew Support Special Assistance Volunteers for families of affected Cabin Crew
  • Provide Cabin Crew for relief flight
  • Activate Cabin Crew members of the Accident Investigation Go Team
  • Arrange roster for representative for Cabin Crew in the Airline Emergency Operations Centre

Public Relations / Communications Manager

  • Ensure Representative in the Crises Centre
  • Ensure that the Media Liaison Centre is activated and manned
  • Ensure that an initial statement is issued as soon as possible
  • Arrange regular Media Conferences
  • Brief Chief Executive Officer prior to media conferences
  • Ensure that all media statements are distributed to all Airline offices worldwide
  • Ensure that the Airline website is modified (Dark Website ) and kept updated
  • Ensure approved information is available to all Airline public offices and activated Telephone Enquiry Centres

Security Manager

  • Ensure Representative in the Crises Centre
  • Activate Security Go Team
  • Arrange roster for representative for Security in the Airline Emergency Operations Centre

Ground Operations Manager

  • Ensure Representative in the Crises Centre
  • Establish and maintain contact with the Emergency Coordinator and Local Airline Emergency Operations Centre
  • Ensure that the Passenger and Cargo manifest is verified as quickly as possible
  • Activate Ground Operations Go Team
  • Arrange roster for representative for Ground Operations in the Airline Emergency Operations Centre

Finance Manager

  • Ensure Representative in the Crises Centre
  • Ensure that adequate funds are made available for immediate response
  • Ensure that adequate funds are arranged for the Special Assistance Volunteers / Go teams
  • Arrange roster for representative for Finance in the Airline Emergency Operations Centre

Legal Manager

  • Report to Airline Emergency Operations Centre as representative of Legal, as and when required
  • Inform and maintain contact with Insurance Brokers
  • Provide legal advice to either the Chief Executive Officer or the Emergency Director as required
  • Activate Legal members of the On-site Organisation Go Team

IT Manager

  • Report to Crises Centre as representative of Information Technology, as and when required
  • Ensure that the affected flight is blocked in Reservation System
  • Activate Information Technology members of the On-site Organisation Go Team
  • Arrange Computer / Telecommunication Support as required
  • Engage Dark Website on instruction from Public Relations / Communications Manager

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services provides specific support related to ERP Training, Testing & Preparation of Process & Procedures ā€“ please seeĀ www.sassofia.comĀ or emailĀ



Aviation emergency, Aviation Emergency Response Plan, Emergency Response Director, Emergency Response Planning Manager, Emergency Response Process, ERP, ERP Training, Flight Operations Manager, Ground Operations Manager, Human Resource Manager, IT Manager, Legal Manager, Technical Manager