April 26, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services shares the latest events in the Aviation business from around the world in our Aviation
Weekly News Roundup:

>> Morocco’s Aviation Industry Aiming to Become Africa’s Manufacturing Hub
Morocco is making a bold play to become a global hub for aviation manufacturing, leveraging its cost-effective workforce and strong industry partnerships to attract major players. Read more

>> Why you shouldn’t be afraid to fly on a Boeing | Cruising Altitude
Not all issues involving Boeings are created equal. Read more

>> Venezuela Sues Argentina Against the International Civil Aviation Organization
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela filed a complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the Argentine Republic. The claim is brought under Article 84 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, its Annexes and the ICAO Dispute Settlement Rules. Read more

>> Wizz Air wipes out over a million seats from EX-YU markets this summer
Wizz Air has removed 1.4 million seats from markets in the former Yugoslavia this summer season on its original plan, as the low-cost carrier has 20% of its fleet grounded for inspection due to a rare anomaly found in the powder metal utilised in the production of specific engine components. Read more

>> Biden administration unveils stricter rules for airline refunds, upfront pricing
Among the changes, the White House defined what kinds of long delays or cancellations entitle passengers to refunds. Read more

>> Second Pilot Charged for Fraud against Travolta Company
The Marion County Sheriff’s Office in Florida has arrested and charged a second man in connection with an alleged aviation fuel pricing scheme to embezzle nearly $800,000 from a company led by actor John Travolta. Read more

>> Europe’s travel strikes: Flight and train disruption you can expect in April and May
Strikes are a regular occurrence in Europe, as employees withhold their labour to fight for better pay and conditions. Walkouts are sometimes planned months ahead but others are announced last minute, showing that it always pays to check before you travel. Luckily, we have gathered all of the strike information together below. Read more

>> BОS Aerospace Joins Sofema Aviation Services as a Privileged Training Partner
We are delighted to welcome BOS Aerospace (BOSA) as the newest member of our Privileged Training Partner (PTP) program. Read more

>> Prevent Unlawful Interference with our new Aviation Security AVSEC Online Training
Sofema Online (SOL) is excited to announce the launch of our new online security training, specifically designed to meet the comprehensive requirements of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) for an Introduction to Aviation Security. Read more

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aviation, Sofema Aviation Services, Wizz Air, Aviation Security, Boeing, Aviation News, Sofema Online (SOL), Aviation Weekly News Roundup, Sofema Aviation Services (SAS), Privileged Training Partner (PTP), European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), BОS Aerospace