July 06, 2016


Anyone who’s organisational role includes the need to create technical or procedural content on behalf of the organisation has a responsibility to ensure that the information is delivered in a clear, correct and effective way.

In addition to ensure a clear understand of the “Maintenance Planning” objectives, It is essential in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation process that we communicate “task” requirements in the correct way.

A primary objective is to ensure clarity in your writing and avoid any reference to vagueness – (note that insufficient understanding of the task specifics may lead to ambiguity in writing)

Consider the following steps to deliver information in an effective way:

Organize the information you intend to deliver – you must understand what you intend to say and understand “in principle” how you are going to say it;

Be efficient with the time at hand – self-discipline and organisation of your thoughts is an essential ingredient to effective delivery of information;

Use concise language by avoiding unnecessary wordiness and large words (Use Action Verbs).

The Importance of “Proof Reading”

Many errors are due simply to insufficient proofreading of the document, consider that you cannot effectively proof read your own work with 100% accuracy.

This is a classic Human Factor exposure as the human mind works in a way that “fills in” or supplies the missing word in a sentence. As a result of this “brain slip” you do not actually notice the missing word.

Another possibility is that our brain will transpose misplaced letters back to their correct order.

Whilst it is not a “fool proof” solution It is always easier to find errors in someone else’s work.

The need to ensure the “Quality” of Source Documentation

It is an unfortunate truism that often highly competent technically competent “engineers” are notorious for having uninspiring communication skills, and that creating documentation is a task that they seldom enjoy.

A progressive employer knows that the need to focus on the documentation of process and procedures to develop standards which we can use to benchmark our activities will provide significant benefit.

Using Correct Language and Consistent Terminology!

An often occurring short coming of technical authors is the use of inappropriate language – ensuring we keep the language simply is a key ingredient to effective delivery

A possible area of confusion is when authors use descriptive terms inconsistently, we have multiple descriptors for common items and must ensure we deliver in a uniform way.

About Sofema Aviation Services

Over the last 8 years Sofema Aviation Services has delivered regulatory training to more than 10,000 delegates. With 45 years of commercial aviation experience behind our training program, our focus is on delivering real and connected regulatory compliant training which promotes a strong understanding of the options for safe and effective optimization of the organisation.

Please see www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com

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