October 06, 2016


SAS is pleased to offer an Intensive 2 days combined training focused on the needs of the EASA Accountable Manager and Nominated Persons (NP). To understand both their regulatory obligations and additional obligations placed on them by the organisation and national requirements.

The role of Accountable Manager and Nominated Person is a serious and demanding role and needs to satisfy the Regulator (in the case of the NP via the EASA Form 4 process). The Competent Authority will assess that the applicant has both appropriate background experience and competencies to support the role.

The highly practical course considers in detail the Role and Responsibilities of Aviation Post Holder to ensure compliance with EASA regulations.

It is important to understand the NP is also “ultimately” responsible for the management of Staff Competence and the effectiveness of the Safety Management System within the business areas under direct control.

What is in the course?

– ICAO Introduction
– A Brief History of European Aviation Regulatory Development
– The Quality & Safety Responsibilities of the AM
– Nominated Post Holders
– Airworthiness
– EASA Part OPS Regulatory Overview Regulation 1178/2011 & 965/2012
– The Management System Requirements of Part OPS
– SMS In an Operations Environment
– How we Measure and Categorize Risk
– EASA Part 145 & Part M Regulatory Overview
– EASA Part 21
– EASA Part 147 Regulatory Overview
– Considering Quality & Safety
– Developing Preventative Strategies understanding Root Cause and the role of Performance Auditing
– Managing Corporate Culture
– Developing Appropriate Communication
– Coaching Training and Leadership
– Managing Standards
– European Aviation Health & Safety Legislation – General Introduction
– Emergency Response Planning

If you would like more details of this and other SAS training courses please see www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com