sasadmin's posts

Considerations related to OSD – CS MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List

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December 12, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS)  considers the role of Operational Suitability Data (OSD) Related to the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL). Introduction – Why do we need an MMEL Certification Basis? In fact, before the year 2000, there was no standard requirement. Between 2000 & 2014 the standard was managed in accordance with JAR MMEL. The…

The Aircraft Accident Investigation Process & Procedures training was successfully completed by delegates from Hibernian Airlines

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The Aircraft Accident Investigation Process & Procedures training was successfully completed by delegates from Hibernian Airlines

December 12, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is pleased to share that the Aircraft Accident Investigation Process & Procedures training was completed by 8 delegates from Hibernian Airlines.  The course was carried out by the experienced SAS instructor Dejan Dencic as a webinar on 09-11 November 2022. What was the training about? This course aims to provide the…

What Business Feature Most Appealed to Sofema Online Business Clients in 2022?

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December 12, 2022


Our sister company Sofema Online (SOL) provides business-to-business feedback on the most appealing Feature! Commented Steve Bentley FRAeS, CEO of Sofema Aviation Services: “After asking a number of clients which one feature they found most useful in 2022, we understood that without question it was the ability of our corporate clients to sign up delegates for…

Ensuring EASA Part 145 Certifying Staff Regulatory Compliance

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Regulatory Compliance

December 09, 2022


What is Required for a 145 Organisation to ensure Organisation Regulatory Compliance with Regulation (EU) 2021/1963? Sofema Aviation Services presents the Initial and Recurrent training options which are available on Sofema Online (SOL) Our virtual training academy allows self-paced learning with wide adoption which means we have enrolled over 34,500 delegates since 2021. EASA…