sofema's posts

Supporting the Aviation Production Planning Process

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Supporting the Aviation Production Planning Process - Developing Internal Service Level Agreements.

July 04, 2013


What is a Service Level Agreement ? “SLA” Basically a  service-level agreement is an agreement which is created between two (or sometimes more) stake holders or relevant parties to agree a set of obligations or deliverables. Can SLA’s work in an Aviation Production Planning environment ? Without doubt, introducing an agreed process which can help to bridge…

Aviation Maintenance Planning

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Aviation Maintenance Planning

June 28, 2013


The Maintenance Costs associated with the management of aircraft can total up to 15% of the organisational budget and after fuel can be the largest single expenditure incurred by the operator. ! So any savings which can be made by the Maintenance Planning Department can bring significant dividends to the organisation. Where may the organisation…

The link between Safety Management Systems SMS and Human Factors HF

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The link between (Safety Management Systems) SMS and Human Factors

June 13, 2013


One way of looking at the relationship is to consider that SMS puts the flesh on the HF Skeleton. A strong organizational SMS system can deliver not just added safety but added value too. It is early days in the evolution of the implemented SMS systems so significant data is not in abundance, however that…

Aircraft Maintenance Competence Considerations related to the organisations compliance with EASA Part 145

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Aircraft Maintenance Competence Considerations related to the organisations compliance with EASA Part 145

May 28, 2013


The following questions and answers are expressed as the opinion of Steve Bentley Managing Director of Sofema Aviation Services Your opinion comments and thoughts are welcome in regard to the advised interpretations –   What is an evaluation and what is the outcome? The evaluation results in an outcome which is driven of course by the criteria…