November 08, 2012

Steven Bentley

The AMP describes the operators routine scheduled maintenance tasks which are required to comply with the obligations to ensure continuing airworthiness.

In addition it contains the rules by which the operator is approved to operate with the program to include extensions and variations which must be applied.

Moreover it describes criteria by which certain tasks may be performed for example inspection task – General Visual Inspection – GVI and Detailed Visual Inspection DTI.

The Maintenance Planning Document MPD  is the source document providing maintenance planning information necessary for operators to generate a dedicated or customized Aircraft Maintenance Program AMP.

The MPD should not be considered the final document in determining appropriate maintenance each operator has direct responsibility to decide what maintenance must be performed and when it should be done.

However in the case of both Airworthiness Limitations (AL) or Airworthiness Limitation Items (ALI) and Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR) the operator must ensure full compliance with all requirements – A CMR is a required periodic task established during the design certification of the airplane as an operating limitation of the Type Certificate (TC).

Airworthiness Limitations (AL) are a regulatory approved means of introducing inspections or maintenance practices to prevent problems with certain systems. Mandatory replacement times, inspection intervals and related inspection procedures for structural safe-life parts are included in the AL document.

As well as the scheduled tasks the various requirements of Service Letters (SL), Service Bulletins (SB) and Airworthiness Directives (AD) The operator must have a process to analyze the information and ensure appropriate compliance.

Furthermore it is possible for additional tasks to be found in the Engine, APU and Vendor Manuals (For example CMM), so these should also be considered where appropriate within the context of the AMP.

Each Maintenance task must be described fully in Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ICAW, for example the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM).

The ATA numbering system which my be supplemented using the AMTOS process provides a common system which is used across all the aircraft documents.

In general the documents which are used to support maintenance and trouble shooting or subsequent rectification are:

AMM (Aircraft Maintenance Manual)

IPC (Illustrated Parts Catalogue)

SSM (System Schematics Manual)

FRM (Fault Reporting Manual)

FIM (Fault Isolation Manual)

SRM (Structural Repair Manual)

WDM (Wiring Diagram Manual)

MEL (Minimum Equipment List)

DDG (Dispatch Deviation Guide)

Sofema Aviation Services provides training in Maintenance Planning and reliability please see or email

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AMP, Maintenance Program, Airworthiness Limitations