August 02, 2013


When performing initial calculations it is sometimes difficult to assess the appropriate manpower to deliver an Effective Aviation Quality System, this document is intended to guide through some basic understanding to allow you to make an appropriate determination for your organisation.

Prerequisite Questions

It is important that you answer these questions with total honesty because it is important to necessary to establish appropriate criteria to determine the manning levels.

1/ Is your Quality System

1a/       An Airline OPS Quality System

1b/       A Part 145 Quality System

1c/       A part M Quality System

Your answer may be 1a, 1b, or 1c or any combination means 1a + 1c for example or 1a + 1b + 1c

2/ Do you want your Quality System to

2a/       Only comply with Regulatory requirements to ensure the organisation has minimal or no regulatory finds against it.

2b/        Comply with the Regulatory requirements and provide a medium quality Improvement factor to the organisation

2c/        Comply with the Regulatory requirements and provide a Strong Quality Improvement factor to the organisation

Your answer may only be 2a, 2b, or 2c

3/ Is your quality System going to be

3a/       Mostly Manual

3b/       Manual with XL & or Access

3c/       Electronic Propriety Database –  (e.g. Q pulse)

Your answer may only be 3a, 3b, or 3c

4/ Does your organisation have

4a/       1 to 8 aircraft

4b/       9 to 15 aircaft

4c/       16 to 100 aircraft

5/         Is your organisation Commercial Air Transport

5a/       yes

5b/       Private

5c/       Special EG Aerial Work

6/ How many bases do you fly to

6a/       less than 10

6b/       10 to 25

6c/       25 to 35

6d/       35 to 50 +

How many additional duties will the quality system manage directly

7/ Airworthiness Review

7a/       No only audit

7b        0 to 15 Aircraft

7c/       15 to 25 Aircraft

7d/        25 to  50 Aircraft

8/ Oversees the Technical Library (technical library staff additional)

8a/       No only audit

8b/       Yes 0 to 15 Aircraft

8c/       15 to 25 Aircraft

8d/       25 to 50 Aircraft

9/ Organisational Competencies (manages)

9a/        No only audit

9b/       0 to  75 Employees

9c/       75 to 150 Employees

9d/       150 to 250 Employees

10/ Is The  Quality Department Responsible for SMS Data assembly (not analysis)

10a/  No

10b/     Yes 0 to 15 Aircraft

10c/     Yes 15 to 30 Aircraft

10d/     Yes 30 to 100 Aircraft

11/       Does The Quality Department Manage Training

11a/      No only audit

11b/     0 to  75 Employees

11c/     75 to 150 Employees

11d/     150 to 250 Employees

Complete the following Matrix

In the above Table  the target Airline

1/         Has an Operations Department plus 145 Organisation

2/         Wishes to have a Strong Quality Improvement System

3/         Uses an Electronic Data Base (Qpulse)

4/         Operates 15 Aircraft

5/         Operates as Commercial Air Transport

6/         Fly’s to 20 bases

7/         Performs Airworthiness Reviews on its Aircraft

8/         Oversees the Technical Library

9/         Manages the organisational Competencies for 100 employees

10/       Is responsible for the management of SMS data

11/       Does not manage training

The organisation  Requires 6 staff including a Quality Manager

Typical Structure would be:

1 Quality Manager all disciplines

1 Deputy Quality Manager multidiscipline

1 Flight Operations and Ground ops Auditor

2 Maintenance and Ground ops Auditor

1  Quality & Safety System Administrator

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Airline, aviation, Aviation Quality System, Calculating Manpower, Commercial Air Transport