October 10, 2018


Considerations related to ICAO Annexe 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation – Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. Part 2

Review presented by Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com

Annexe 13 Provisions

Annexe 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation contains the international Standards and Recommended Practices for aircraft accident and incident Investigation

Annexe 13 provides for Accident Data Report. The international standards and procedures outlined in Annex 13 are complemented by ICAO Doc 9756 (see below)

A detailed final report shall be prepared by the State instituting the investigation and distributed with maximum dispatch to Contracting States together with any safety recommendations.

The aviation community has a vested interest in the results of any aviation accident investigation anywhere in the world and the sharing of such safety information is regarded as vital to accident prevention and computerized databases facilitate the storage and analysis of information on accidents and incidents.

ICAO operates a computerized database known as the Accident/Incident Data Reporting (ADREP) system, which facilitates the exchange of safety information among Contracting States.

Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation

Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation and ICAO Doc 9156 Accident/Incident Reporting Manual Contains the following parts –

Part I — Organization and Planning, 1st Edition – 2000, includes considerations for the establishment of an aircraft accident investigation authority in terms of its structure, staffing and legislation.

Part II — Procedures and Checklists, 2nd Edition – 2012, provides information on the common techniques and procedures, as well as checklists to assist States in aircraft accident and incident investigations.

Part III — Investigation, 1st Edition – 2012, provides guidance for the investigation of all technical areas that may have been involved in an aircraft accident or incident.

Part IV — Reporting, 2nd Edition – 2013, provides guidance in developing the final reports as a result of the investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents, including comprehensive guidelines on drafting and processing of safety recommendations.

Manual on Regional Accident and Incident Investigation Organization

Manual on Regional Accident and Incident Investigation Organization (Doc 9946) provides information and guidance on the establishment and management of a regional accident and incident investigation organization (RAIO) to assist ICAO Contracting States in fulfilling their obligations pertaining to accident and incident investigation.

Manual on Accident and Incident Investigation Policies and Procedures

Manual on Accident and Incident Investigation Policies and Procedures (Doc 9962) is an implementation tool to assist States in developing a policies and procedures manual for accident and incident investigation.

Manual on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families

Manual on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families (Doc 9973) provides guidance on the types of family assistance that may be provided to aircraft accident victims and their families.

Policy on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families

Policy on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families (Doc 9998) sets out ICAO policies regarding the provision of assistance to aircraft accident victims and their families.

Training Guidelines for Aircraft Accident Investigators

Training Guidelines for Aircraft Accident Investigators (Circ 298) outlines the training requirements for aircraft accident investigators, including background experience, initial and on-the-job training, and basic and advance investigation courses.

Hazards at Aircraft Accident Sites

Hazards at Aircraft Accident Sites (Cir 315) discusses the nature and variety of occupational hazards and the management of risk associated with exposure to a wide range of health and safety hazards during the investigation of aircraft accidents.

Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com  and our sister company SofemaOnline www.sofemaonline.com provide classroom and online training for regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with EASA requirements. For more information please email office@sassofia.com or online@sassofia.com