January 28, 2019

Steven Bentley

Here is a list of the Top 13 Techniques, Attitudes, and Behaviours which may be adopted by effective Trainers – Presented by Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com


1/ How to Attract Attention

Being Able to Engage with the students and maintaining interest and attention is very important, this requires familiarity with adult learning behaviours.


2/ Keeping Attention

Engaging with a range of techniques which focuses on maintaining the interest of the delegate is important – how to achieve?


3/ Avoid Unrelated Theory

Keeping attention means also keeping interest and staying on message is a positive way to ensure this.


4/ Provoking to Involve Interaction

A class of quite people is really not conducive to effective training, the challenge is how to energise the delegates so that they do engage in conversation, discussion & debate.


5/ Motivate the Students / Delegates

To motivate means you are raising the level of interest to the degree that the delegate achieves positive re-enforcement of the message


6/ Cope with the Skill Level of the Students /Delegates

A strong training understands that a typical class of students is at different stages of the learning path and is able to accommodate in the best possible way – understanding the challenge of compromise and learning style.


7/ Managing Breaks

The learning experience can be very tiring for the students and it is important to ensure appropriate breaks – the challenge is to keep them to an acceptable length.


8/ Delivering Effective Communications

The ability of the Trainer to maintain an effective communication style is a key competence of the training and underpins the success of any effective trainer.


9/ Finding & Agreeing Errors and Understanding Root Cause

During the training experience, there are multiple opportunities to engage with both understanding the mechanisms of the process which is to be trained but to also understand the challenges and issues which impact and cause problems.


10/ Checking for Understanding (CFU)

The process of positive re-enforcement is underpinned by ensuring that the message has been received and understood by the student. This is always a simple but important step which should be undertaken on a continual basis. – Use Questions for CFU


11/ Dealing with the Age Barrier

Essentially an issue for younger instructors addressing the need to share information with people who need to be able to acknowledge your level of competence.


12/ Group Involvement

Encouraging the Delegates to engage in small groups serves to improve the Level of Engagement related to the subject matter which consequentially improves the subject matter retention level.


13/ Maintaining Relevant Material

A Good Trainer will constantly strive to maintain a strong library of material which can be called on to support training initiatives and to ensure a high level of the source material.


Train the Trainer Programs

Sofema Aviation Services provides a number of specific training courses which are designed to support the learning path of both Company Trainers as well as Prospective Company Trainers.

The courses are highly participative and stimulate involvement, moreover, they provide for powerful motivation. Sofema Train the Trainer courses introduce the delegate to training skills and to provide the confidence which can be developed to deliver effective In company training within specific business areas.


See more than 20 available train the trainer courses here – https://sassofia.com/training-support/

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Train The Trainer, Train the Trainer program, Aviation Trainer