April 22, 2012

Steven Bentley

The task of Data Migration to an MRO system may appear to be daunting, with data residing in different locations both as software data and in paper form, this alone being enough of a reason to delay and defer, however this task is like many, achievable in stages with external support available when needed.

Substantial improvement to organisation efficiencies can be achieved with the simplification achieved after Moving MRO Data from Access & Excel to an MRO system delivering an improved confidence in Planning, Configuration Management and Inventory holdings.

Without a modern maintenance repair organisation (MRO) software solution, the task of managing the aircraft maintenance program, components and all required service bulletins and directives, can become both labour intensive and costly.

Implementation of an effective MRO software solution may also be the key to generating efficiencies across the entire business, by facilitating a reduction in staffing costs, whilst at the same time delivering an improvement in the effectiveness of process and procedure within the maintenance environment.

A survey carried out in 2010 showed that a significant number of Eastern European and Commonwealth of Independent States. (CIS) Airlines and MRO’s are currently using in-house developed solutions to manage the aircraft maintenance environment.

Data Migration to an MRO system may be the key to real benefits.

It is not uncommon to find that complex XL and Access solutions have been developed to handle all the various tasks associated with the management of maintenance requirements. Moving MRO Data from Access & Excel may become a significant challenge but should not be a deterrent.  While these in house programs are often a testament to the creativity of individuals within the organisation they can lead to problems, and occasionally even the odd crises as the organisation continues to grow and develop Data Migration to an MRO system can deliver a solution which allows the organization to grow in an effective way.

Other problems experienced include key employees leaving the organisation, and issues with the application not delivering the functionality or speed demanded by the users. One reason given for companies to persevere with the in-house solution long after it is time to move on, is due to the incorrect belief concerning the costs involved to implement a fully integrated system delivering control and functionality across the whole range of maintenance activities.

Please contact us without obligation to understand more about how Moving your MRO Data from Access & Excel to our MRO Software Solutions may benefit your organisation, please visit www.sassofia.com or contact office@sassofia.com to request details of how Sofema Aviation Services can help you.

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Data Migration, MRO, Access, Excel