February 11, 2013


An effective State Safety Program SSP requires industry compliant Safety Management Systems SSP.

Once an organizational safety management system is in place, which is able to identify safety weaknesses and risk exposing pressure points in the organization it enters a new era.

It then becomes possible to work towards not only continuous monitoring but continuous improvement, the data generated becomes the source data for the SSP.

How the state gathers and analyses data is an essential element of the oversight and understanding of the true nature of the exposures within the state.

The challenge facing organisations is one of dealing with changing cultural behaviour within the organisation  and  because every employee  in the organization (It really does mean  each and every employee) has a role to play in delivering the Safety Management System.

The challenge is also to provide the necessary support guidance and motivation and leadership to ensure this is achieved in an economic and viable way.

An element of support and guidance comes from the state and the effectiveness of the SSP. The opportunity for the State to become proactive in promoting an effective Safety Management Culture is a fundament of the success of the entire process. Encouraging a proactive and predictive approach to Safety Management within the member state is a key element to improving outcomes.

The  goal at State level should be to achieve the absolute minimum level of accidents and incidents. In doing so we recognize that we will have much opportunity to consider risk and constantly work to reduce this risk, in addition we will continue to address Incidents when they happen and take appropriate actions to ensure they do not happen again.

We also have to develop at State level processes to actively “hunt” for the problem before it is manifested as an incident.

Consideration of the full benefits regarding the outcomes of the processes which are driven by ICAO should be fully understood and employed, as a means to minimizing the risk within both organization and therefore the  State.

We will also consider the relationship between Quality and Safety and the need to ensure effective co operation within organizations to maximize the effectiveness of the Safety Management System.

Furthermore consider the importance of managing competences and of the management of the organisations training need to ensure that  they “the organization” deliver training which is appropriate and effective.

Sofema Aviation Services offers a 5 day State Safety Program Implementation Workshop

For details please see www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com


aviation, ICAO, Quality and Safety, Safety Management Culture, Safety Management System, SSP, State Safety Program, State Safety Program Implementation Workshop