November 20, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) introduces tips on how to manage your Aviation Training Budget to ensure your organisation continues to Grow and Flourish.

It’s all about the Balance!

Budgeting for your organisation’s training needs should not mean using surplus money when you have it, but to strive to maintain a positive and stimulating work environment which will help you minimize staff turnover and maintain productivity.

Focus on understanding any skill deficit which can be demonstrated to affect productivity and performance.

It is often recognised that the training budget is the first to be cut during an economic downturn. However, this can be damaging in the long term – Instead, a far better approach is to take a deep dive into the training program to ensure it is providing a positive contribution to the organisation’s well being.

Note that savaging the training budget can impact long-term implications which can ultimately far outweigh the immediate costs saved by the business.

Training Program Benefits

A strong training program increases employee engagement and productivity, as well as reducing absenteeism and generally improves customer service.

Well-trained employees are known to make fewer mistakes, typically because of a higher level of competence. Moreover, they exhibit a higher level of confidence as well as a commitment to the Organisation.

Training Budget Considerations – What is a Training Budget?

Creating a training budget facilitates the detailed management of the training program with the objective of ensuring all personnel remain compliant with both mandatory training as well as to continue to grow the skills and competencies of business employees.

The Training Budget is a combination of direct and indirect costs associated with all training courses required as a minimum to maintain regulatory compliance as well as employee competence, additionally to ideally create learning development paths which allows the employee value to the organisation to grow.

External Versus Internal

External trainers can often provide the best solutions but they are not always necessary.

Consider the following to empower the organisational training objectives:

  • Introduce Performance Coaching
  • Introduce Managed Mentoring Systems
  • Provide Train the Trainer Skills-based training to senior employees to enable them to deliver internal training programs

Performing a Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Many organisations fail to integrate high-level strategic reviews into the development of the Training Program. By taking a strategic view of the business’ needs and developing into the proposed training program we can accurately consider the needs of the organisation and how to deliver in the most cost-efficient way possible.

Ensure a clear understanding of the required learning and development activities for the next business period.

Consider the following:

  • Regulatory Required Mandatory Recurrent Training
  • Areas of the Business which have skill level shortfalls
  • Areas of the Business which we want to Develop a Stronger Skill Set
  • The opportunity to continue to Develop Employees – Learning Path Development

Sofema Aviation Services and SofemaOnline together provide more than 750 training courses. Please see the websites or email or

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aviation, Train The Trainer, Training Needs Analysis, Training Budget, Managed Mentoring Systems, Performance Coaching